Ethylene Oxide Treated Microplates
Ethylene Oxide Treated PCR Plates for Forensic Applications
Forensic applications demand the highest quality consumables. Avoiding external DNA contamination is of utmost importance and as a result high demands are placed upon manufacturers of products throughout the workflow.
We have a stringently controlled cleanroom production facility certified, according to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485, for production of DNA and RNA free products. However, to absolutely guarantee that selected products are suitable for forensic applications, we now offer ethylene oxide treatment to degrade amplifiable DNA by alkylation.
Following cleanroom production, the selected plastic consumables are packaged into ethylene oxide permeable bags, and subjected to ethylene oxide sterilization. The products are then sent to you, the consumer, in the bags, ensuring that amplifiable DNA can’t contaminate the consumables.
Ethylene oxide treatment has been documented as the method of choice for preventing DNA profiles resulting from external DNA contamination (Shaw et al., 2008, click to expand). The ethylene oxide treatment for our consumables is performed with pure ethylene oxide grade 3.0 (C2H4O >99.9%) according to ISO 13485 and ISO 11135-1.
Our ethylene oxide treated products are produced in compliance with the described standards, preventing the generation of accidental human profiles.
Ethylene oxide treated PCR plates are available off-the-shelf, however our other plastic consumables are available to be ethylene oxide treated on request. All skirted and semi-skirted microplates are available barcoded on request; learn more about our coding options.