Sample Tubes & Instruments
Sample Storage Tubes & Instruments: Innovation in Sample Storage
Whether you need sample tubes and instruments for biobanking, compound management, consumer genomics, synthetic biology, or basic research, you can trust Azenta Life Sciences to deliver unrivaled expertise in instruments, readers, and sample management systems. As innovators in the development of the original 2D-coded sample tubes in 1999, we have continually advanced the technologies that deliver reliability and automation in sample storage consumables and instruments.
We offer a range of automation-friendly storage tubes with coding options such as 2D-coded, dual-coded, and tri-coded, with either external or internal threading, and instruments for faster reading, capping, and decapping. Our commitment extends beyond innovation to superior customer service, dedicated support, and strict quality control. We believe a quality sample is key to reliable, reproducible, and quantifiable data, which is why we focus on delivering the best in sample management. At Azenta Life Sciences, we’re all about the sample!